Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Madonna's film receives a slashing from critics

Madonna's film receives a slashing from critics, imagine that?

If I remember correctly, Madonna made a passive aggressive statement that she was done with movies a few years back. Almost every film role she's been in has been horrible, even when the movie was good. Despite making millions off her singing career, she has always wanted to be taken seriously as an actress, not realizing that she just doesn't have the chops. I mean have you seen Swept Away or Body of Evidence?
Now, she's back at it again with a film she directed. She directed her second film called W.E. And the movie has been going over like a bag of poop with critics.
Keep in mind, she directed another film called Filth and Wisdom back in 2008. And, that film currently has a 26% on Rotten Tomatoes. And, trend of bad movie reviews continue with W.E.
From Reuters ((Here, for instance, is the opening line of Xan Brooks' brutal review in the Guardian: "Whatever the crimes committed by Wallis Simpson – marrying a king, sparking a constitutional crisis, fraternising with Nazis – it's doubtful that she deserves the treatment meted out to her in 'W.E.,' Madonna's jaw-dropping take on 'the 20th-century's greatest royal love story.'" ))
As long as a certain artist doesn't take too much from Madonna's music career, she can fall back on that.
Then, there is this little gem at her press conference.
Note to fans: Just stop bringing her flowers period. Get her acting lessons.
And, one more Madonna story. Madonna seems to have a passive aggressive stance against Lady Gaga. She won't fully come out and say Gaga is stealing her act and music, but she makes little comments here and there. Now, there is an interview where she calls Gaga out for her “obsession”.
From the Daily Mail, ((According the magazine, the singer-turned-director replied: 'As for Lady Gaga, I have no comment on her obsessions related to me, because I do not know if it is based on something profound or superficial.'))

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