Thursday, September 08, 2011

Back to the Future II shoes for real.

Nike Air Mag: For real?
Do you remember those kickass Nike shoes from the future in Back to the Future II? I remember really wanting a pair of those “self-lacing” shoes. Well, for some lucky bastards, buying those shoes will become a reality.
Nike is going to start selling the Nike Air Mag shoes from the second movie on Ebay. From, ((Mark Parker, CEO of Nike, announced plans to auction off 1,500 pairs of the Air Mag aka "Marty McFly" shoe on eBay's Fashion Vault starting tonight at 8:30 p.m., with all net proceeds funneling directly into the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's research.
For the duration of the 10-day auction, Nike will auction off 150 of the shoes until all 1,500 pairs are sold.))
And, it is for a good cause too. However, I'd like to know how exactly the shoes work. And, do you have to replace the battery?
Now, just start working on that hoverboard before 2015. (Hoverboards don't work on water)
Now, make like a tree and get out of here.  

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