Friday, June 24, 2011

Hostage Taker Updates his Facebook Page During Standoff with Police.

Yes, you heard that correctly. The police came to his hotel room with a plan of arresting him on a warrant. There was a woman in the room and he took her hostage, so there was a standoff. Valdez has a pretty extensive criminal record, so it is no surprise that he would react the way he did. The kicker of the story is that he started to update his Facebook during his standoff with police.
From CNN, ((Jason Valdez, 36, issued six status updates, added 15 friends and responded to numerous comments posted by worried family and friends while police were engaged in a siege at an Ogden motel Saturday morning. Police say the person in the standoff and the person making those updates was Valdez. ))
Well, at least he wasn't using Twitter. Having a hostage taker send out Tweets seems strange. But, he didn't stop there. He actually took pictures with his “hostage” and uploaded them to FB. 

Way to keep it Internet 2.0. At least, there were no Duckfaces in the pictures.
Look, I leave strange updates on my FB too, but not during a criminal activity. This is certainly a new high (or low) for social media.
The hostage “Veronica” interestingly enough still has her FB page open. The funniest thing about her FB page is Valdez posted on her wall when he had her under his keep! Couldn't he have told her that in the damn room they were in together? Here is the post.
((Sorry I got u in this shit wit me but u got a big heart and am so glad I met u ))
Call me mean, but that doesn't make up for taking her hostage. Make sure to read the comments before the FB page is taken down. They are rather amusing.
Sadly, Jason shot himself when the cops came in, but he seems to be alive and recovering. Does that mean we can see updates from prison?


  1. Posting her wall while she's right next to him? This is what makes me hate FB. It's great to connect with people you don't see often, but when people use it to communicate instead of talking to people who are right there it's just sad. The bubbles around each of us are growing thicker even though we tout the fact that we're more "connected" than ever. Too bad it's a superficial connectivity!

    Sorry I'll stop ranting now :)

  2. i know people that have conversations with each other with FB while sitting at the same table.

    Continue ranting, I have a few beefs with FB, though I have more with Twitter than FB. I don't like that Twitter has taken away from the true form of long-writing blogging for the 15 sec attention span of readers. I know I'd get more readers if I switched to twitter, but I can't do it.
