Saturday, June 25, 2011

Final Fantasy VII rap music? Actually, it is very good. (Black Materia: Final Fantasy VII)

Final Fantasy VII rap music?  Actually, it is very good. 
Black Materia seems to be a collection of rappers that enjoy videogames.  And, they focused this album on FFVII.  I am surprised how much this actually works.  Listening to the groups other songs, I have to say I like their flow
From Random and Lost Perception site, ((In a stunning move, hip hopper and educator Random, aka Mega Ran and Lost Perception present BLACK MATERIA: Final Fantasy VII, a Hip-Hop album using tunes from Square’s hit game.))
Mako Reactor
If you listen to lyrics, they pretty much rap the first half of the game.  What is surprising is that the writing of the lyrics are very good and I like the remix of the Mako song.
More after the break…

Cry for the Planet
I like this one too.

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