Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Random Stuff

Random Stuff
~Charlie Sheen back to his crappy sitcom?: I kind of have put a cap on the Sheen talk on my blog, but I figured I add this bit about him. He claims that he is in talks with CBS to get back on his “Two and Half Men” show. I guess his stupid little tour and Internet venture isn't turning out the way he planned. This pleases me to no end, that he has come crawling back to the sitcom he has called names for the last few months. I also like that CBS can't get away from canceling this show and is afraid of losing it.
~To fat to sit in front of the camera in American Idol?  A 19-year-old Ashley Kauffman claims that she went to taping of AI and was told she couldn’t sit with her friends in the front row.  The reason she claims she was too fat for the camera.  AI claims this isn’t the case.  I’m probably going to side with AI on this one, as much as I hate to.  Looking at Ashley Kauffman, she is not close to being fat.  This is probably a case of someone looking for a bit of fame. 
~Yoko Ono gives us a reason she doesn't date: Does anyone really want to date you, Ono? You're not exactly looking peachy at the moment. If I was at the age of 80 like her, I'd just be happy I'm still around.  


  1. But does Sheen have any credibility at this point when it comes to anything the network is doing.

  2. That's true. He might be just making this up in order to open the door for talks. I'm now reading that they don't want anything to do with him now

    The man needs to get into rehab and needs to take a few years off from acting and stage acts completely
