Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Kosher Coke-Cola

Kosher Coke-Cola
I went to the local Meijer store and noticed the Cokes with yellow cap on top.  I smiled with glee and grabbed two of them.  I wanted to try them out.  Nothing made from corn can be used during the Passover time, so Coke-Cola sends out two formulas during this time of year.  Kosher Coke being one of them.  Best part is Kosher Coke is the same price as regular coke, unlike the slightly overpriced Mexican Cokes. 
Before popping one open, I looked at the formula on the label.  The only difference between this Formula and the main American formula is that the Kosher Coke uses Sucrose in place of high fructose corn syrup.  It is the same formula as the famous Mexican Cokes, but that the Mexican Cokes call it sugar while Kosher Cokes call it Sucrose.  More or less Mexican and Kocher Coke is the same thing. 
The Taste
I noticed after pouring it that it smelled different from even original coke and Mexican Coke, and I am not sure why.  But, it does taste lighter than the Mexican Coke with fewer aftertastes.  You can still taste the sugar, so that is a good thing.  It is a real shame they don’t have these out all year around. 
I am going to pick up some more when I get a chance.  I’ll have to do a side-by-side comparison of the Mexican and Kosher Cokes. 


  1. Just picked some up in Westchester county. Drinking it right now. It is foamier when you pour it (like when i was a kid) with a muted sweetness unlike that syrupy sickening sweet corn syrup!

    It is criminal that products use corn syrup - try tasting corn syrup some time - it is nauseating, nothing like real suger.

  2. Agreed. It seems to be foamier than even the Mexican coke, but I could be wrong. Yeah, the real sugar is great.
