Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Big Momma Part 3? Big Mommas: Like Father, Like Son

 Big Momma Part 3?  Big Mommas: Like Father, Like Son 
Where did this come from?  Who cleared the script?  The trailer is so bad that it insults me on every level.  I thought the last Big Momma’s House pretty much ended the franchise.  Now they’re going the “And Son” route in the franchise.  All bets are off once you go down that road. 
I haven’t heard anything about this movie but from a podcast and I have heard nothing else.  And, that makes me think the movie is even worst than the second one. 
By the way, just look at this poster.  Isn’t that just the creepiest thing you’ve ever seen?  


  1. It will only be funny if they go to see a Madea movie at some point in the narrative.

  2. I'd actually go to theater to see that. Plus, having the character say, "What is this Madea shit?"
