Thursday, December 09, 2010


 I just watched 48hrs on Netflix and I have to say the movie still holds up today.  It just has some really good one-liners.
I haven’t seen the extended version that comes on TV sometimes, but I’d like to. 
I just like the partnership between Eddie Murphy and Nick. 
Few Notes
-There is a lot of nudity and near nudity in this movie.  Pretty much every woman in this movie is barely covered or completely nude.  Not that I am complaining…
- Zagnut:  Jack hands Reggie a Zagnut candy bar.  I remember eating those at the local swimming pool from the vending machines when I was a child.  Do they even make those anymore? 
- I want to go that redneck club/bar.  They seem to really have a good time there.  There are strange club-country songs.   Half naked dancers are on stage, this is my kind of clubs.  Suzanne M. Regard is the cowgirl dancer in the movie. This movie is her only credit.  Doe she tell her children about this role? 
-Composer James Horner simply recycled his score for this movie right into Commando.  Horner doesn’t have a creative bone in his body does he? 
- Denise Crosby:  Yes, she gets naked in the movie, and spends the rest of her scenes in a wife-beater with no bra on.  Yes, I inspected the film with a fine comb.  Did the topless scene help her get the role of Tasha Yar?
-According to Another 48hrs, Brion James’ character was the main bad guy the whole time.  That really doesn’t fit with the first movie, but how knows…
-What happened to Rosalie?  Did she die?  Did the two bad guys kill her? 

Reggie: Jack... Tell me a story. 
Jack: Fuck you! 
Reggie: Oh, that's one of my favorites. 
Jack: Class isn't something you buy. Look at you, you've got on a 500-dollar suit and you're still a low-life. 
Reggie: Yeah, but I look good. 

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