Monday, November 08, 2010

A Lady Gaga College Course? Are they insane?

A Lady Gaga College Course? Are they insane?

Well, I would certainly fail the course if I enrolled in it. Has Gaga done enough for music to have course about her? I can see other more talented people have college courses like MJ or Madonna. They have a long history of music that spans genres. But, Gaga?
Are they serious over there at the University of South Carolina? I'm just flabbergasted that anyone would think Gaga has reached the status of Pop Music god. I believe there is room for courses based on pop culture, and I support them. But, Gaga?
The only way I'd be okay with the course is if it was in...
1 How to ruin your voice through bad writing and monotone singing for the masses.
2 How to distract from your below average looks with goofy outfits.
3 How to rehash Madonna's career but with cheaper effects.
So, what is this insightful course going to cover in meaningful world of Gaga? From NY Times, ((He wants to explore what makes a person famous and what being famous means in today’s culture. Or, as the course description puts it: “The central objective is to unravel some of the sociologically relevant dimensions of the fame of Lady Gaga.” ))
I can sum it up pretty quickly, Professor. Gaga is all flash and no substance. This is a woman that actually has a singing voice, but chooses to “de-level” herself to appeal to certain elements of a audience that doesn't understand that it is pure crap. This audience is so enclosed into its own world that they don't understand that there is better music out there and the act Gaga is fronting is just a clone of other female artists.
In today's culture, you don't have to have much talent or skill, but enough “flare” to get the attention of teenagers today. That's why we have such “wonderful” entertainment shows like Jersey Shore. While Jersey Shore is made up of true idiots, Gaga is actually a smart person. She's probably too smart, because she understands marketing and that marketing is more important than talent these days. That's why I attack her, because she knows what's shit and what isn't. Instead of bringing people up with her talent, she's lowering herself to state of music today.
Think of it this way; Instead of teaching a course about comic book art, how about I teach a course on the artwork of Rob Liefeld? That doesn't sound too appealing now does it?  

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