Sunday, November 07, 2010

Box Office Jam

Zack:  “I can’t believe I get to share my car with Iron Man and Sherlock Holmes at the same time!” 
Box Office Jam
1. Megamind (2010) $47 million: Where in the hell did this movie come from?  I knew nothing about this movie.  It is sitting at 67% on RT though, so I can’t attack audiences for picking this one. 
2. Due Date (2010) $33 Million:  I really want to see this movie.  While I don’t like the baby thing, the actual road trip storyline should be funny.  I thought of Tommy Boy when I saw the trailer. 
3.  For Colored Girls (2010) $20 million:  Yes, this is a Tyler Perry moive, but it is not set in the Madea Universe.  Yes, there is a Madea Universe. 
4.  Red (2010/I):  I need to check this movie out.  Somehow, this movie has hovered around the top ten for weeks.  It certainly has some staying power.  It is good to see an all-star cast still has some pull at the box office. 
5.  Saw 3D (2010):  Let’s play a game.  How about we stop making these movies?  That sounds like a great game to me.  Did we need to see it in 3D?

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