Thursday, July 08, 2010

Update on Sega Saturn Netlink

Update on Sega Saturn Netlink

A few days ago the the guy that created the video left a comment on my Sega Saturn Netlink post I did a while back. I always enjoy seeing comments from people that make the videos or movies I comment on. (I'm still wondering what happened in that Love Guru post I did.)

He did another video. This one being in-depth. I'll post it here and make sure you check out his follow up post on Sega Netlink on his blog.

I made a mistake stating that the Netlink used the Internet with a 28.8k modem to connect to the online gaming, but I was wrong. Jerry Terrifying stated this in my comment section ((And in your article you say that the Netlink offered sluggish speeds at 28.8kbps that's not true. When playing mutliplayer games you don't connect to the internet. The saturns direct dial eachother so there's zero lag. I've played Virtual On against someone in Colorado while I live in Ohio and there was zero lag. And that's with a fighting game ))

One of the biggest benefits I can see from having this Netlink is not having to deal with rude little kids yelling in your ear.

For fun, I'll re-post that Youtube Poop clip from that Sega Saturn promo.

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