Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Tommy Wiseau takes down The Nostalgia Critic's review of The Room.

Tommy Wiseau takes down The Nostalgia Critic's review of The Room...(Story behind it)

From “The Room” Wikipedia (before someone takes it down): ((In 2010, the Nostalgia Critic reviewed the film. He placed it firmly in the "so-bad-it's-good" genre and ultimately recommended his audience to view it. The review was quickly removed due to a copyright infringement claim from Wiseau Studios[citation needed]. This also confirms the removal of the review by Obscurus Lupa (a contributor to the site). In response, Doug Walker made a sketch satirizing Wiseau for bringing the review down, stating that it is protected under fair use. This sketch also lampooned John, a staff member of the official website for the film, who apparently was the first to bring the complaint. ))

About a week back, the Nostalgia Critic made a video ripping up Tommy Wiseau’s stupid movie “The Room”. But, at the end of the review, NC actually told people to go out and see the movie. I’ve made a few posts discussing the sheer shitty nature of this movie and the fact Wiseau had no intention of making it a “black comedy”.

Well, it looks like Wiseau’s ego was a little bruised after NC made his review. So, Wiseau’s studio put out a copyright infringement notice and the NC review was taken down. This is clearly a bruised ego plain and simple and it makes Wiseau look like a total tool bag.

So, NC made a response back to the infringement business.

It is critical that people write and send e-mails about this issue. The reason it is important is because it opens the door to other studios to clamp down on bad reviews that they don’t agree with. People have the right to voice their opinions about shitty movies and to rip them apart.

If you want to really hurt them, stop going to those screenings of the movie throughout the world and stop making money for these assholes until they let the NC re-post his review.

Let’s “Refutiate” Tommy Wiseau’s claim!

You can e-mail your complains to the official site behind “The Room”.

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