Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Sarah Palin makes up a new word (Refutiate)

Sarah Palin makes up a new word (Refutiate)

English was a living language, and you just killed it, Sarah. Someone from the GOP please keep an eye on this woman. I personally have no problem with her tweets, because they seem very amusing to me. So, I “refutiate” Sarah’s Twitter page.

Side Note: She didn't make this word up. John McCain made this word up back in 2008. She just remembered it and added to her tweet a few years later.


  1. Someone from the GOP please keep an eye on this woman.

    Don't worry. The whole nation has it's eye on her, eagerly encouraging her!

  2. She did NOT make that word up.
    That word was used in "My Cousin Vinny" back in 1992, during the courtroom scene..
    Someone needs to get their head OUT of the basket.

  3. So, a fictional movie made the word up and Palin took it as fact? Doesn't that make it worst?

    And, yes I loved My Cousin Vinny
