Wednesday, July 07, 2010

The Real Ghostbusters “Citizen Ghost”

The Real Ghostbusters “Citizen Ghost”

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

I really enjoyed this episode because it ties directly into the first movie. It is a flashback episode and it tells the story of how Slimer became a part of the Ghostbusters team. While the story is goofy, I like the origin of the Slimer. And, I was never a huge fan of this version of Slimer anyway, but this helped a little.

Like I stated before, the series uses the movies as backdrops to its own continuity, which is something many cartoon tie-in shows didn’t do.


-Trans-warp drive: There is one Star Trek reference in this episode when Egon mentions “Tran-Warp Drive.”

-This episode reveals why they got rid of the Movie Uniforms. And, they bring in the animated series uniforms. The main villains in this flashback episode are the actual Movie Uniforms. That’s right ghost uniforms.

-J. Michael Straczynski wrote this episode. He was the creator of the show Babylon 5 and numerous comic book stories from DC and Marvel. This is probably the reason there is a Trek reference to begin with.

-This episode also reveals that the containment unit was rebuild, except bigger.

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