Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Why so sad, Keanu Reeves?

Why so sad, Keanu Reeves?

It seems there is a new Meme going around the Blog-Sphere involving a sad Keanu Reeves and a bench. I’ve had many days where I’ve had that same expression on my ugly mug.

So, why is Keanu Reeves bummed?

From ((A lot of folks are trying to figure out why Keanu looks so sad. According to Wikipedia, his girlfriend had a miscarriage, he was unsuccessfully sued by paparazzi, his father abandoned him, his sister has leukemia, his best friend died of a drug overdose and as a child he was expelled from school and suffered from dyslexia. Geeze! Poor guy. ))

Well, that sums up the picture I guess. While he isn’t really a good actor, I’ve heard nothing but good things about the guy. He’s such a good guy that some of his fans have decided to make up a Holiday for him. They’re going to call it Keanu Reeves Day.

They even have a Facebook page. From their page, ((On June 15th, we plan on sending letters, emails, gifts, and any other niceties and kind words to a real bro, Keanu Reeves. Keanu has come on some tough times lately, and doesn't seem to have the same youthful lust for life as he did even ten years ago. Please participate in Cheer Up Keanu Day, and hopefully bring a smile to Keanu Reeves' face.
In case you don't know, Keanu's sister Kim was diagnosed with leukemia many years ago. If you want to make a more significant gift, consider donating to a cancer research charity in the name of Cheer Up Keanu Day. I'm sure a letter or email informing Keanu of this action would really make his day. Check out Cell Science for a nice directory of cancer charities around the world that you may donate (or even volunteer your time) to. ))

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