Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Random Stuff

Random Stuff

~Girlfriend dies from lightening right before guy was about to propose to her: That's just messed up. Really F'ed up. How does one have faith in a higher being after stuff like this happens?

~Poor Lindsay Lohan: After the shitty MTV Movie Awards, she couldn't help herself and appeared to have a bit of Alcohol. Like a true addict, she had to have a drink even if it lands her in jail. The SCRAM device notified the law and they sent out a bench warrant for Lohan's arrest. Of course, she put up another bail to keep herself out of jail.

~Did I mention that Gary Coleman's Death Photos went for 10K? I certainly hope his ex-wife enjoys that blood money she got from her deal with the photos. F' you Shannon Price. I would say something nasty and mean about you, but you'll probably sue me. BTW, Todd Bridges is pissed off and tweeting about it. He gives certain indications that he's talking about Price. (("To find out pics of Gary Coleman in his last days got out I hope someone burns in hell for this one ... Only one person could be behind this and this is so dang sick to say you love soneone and do this yeah right." ))

~The UK denied “Woman Beater” Chris Brown a visa. So, his concerts have to be re-scheduled...or canceled.


  1. Now they are talking about Lohan appearing on the Celebrity Apprentice.

  2. oh, no. That will be the train wreck of all train wrecks.

    Wasn't there a time when Lohan was an actress?
