Friday, June 18, 2010

The Real Ghostbusters (original pilot)

The Real Ghostbusters (original pilot)

I fondly remembered watching the old show back in the day. Watching the show now, I am impressed how well it holds up. The show went on for 7 seasons, and that's not including the Slimer spinoff show. And, the show had a direct sequel called Extreme Ghostbusters.

While doing some digging on the show, I read that there was a 4-min pilot made for the show. That's when I found this...

Notes about this pilot

-Slimer is designed completely different from TV show. Here in the pilot Slimer is drawn like they designed him in the movies. Plus, he's evil.

-Watch for the crowd shot at the beginning. If you look closely, there is a young boy and an old man. When everyone freaks out over the dancing ghost, you will see the old man jump into the boy's arms. The boy carries the old man away!

-The dancing ghost is in the actual TV intro. They re-used a portion of it, but in the pilot it is longer and the “crossed out” symbol comes from behind to take the ghost.

-The group of ghosts shot is reused in the actual intro too.

-Note the Stay-Puff Marshmallow toy that Raymond Stantz has. That's a nice little connection to the movie, because Ray likes Stay Puff.

-The animation of the ghostbusters running through the halls is very well executed.

-Peter Venkman looks more like Bill Murray here than in the show.

-They're wear uniforms closer to their movie counterparts and not the multiple colored uniforms from the show.

Here's the intro so you can compare.

Here's an interesting “Behind the Scenes” Part1 Part2 Part3


  1. Oh I loved Ghostbusters as a kid; couldn't help but stay on your blog and watch the videos! :)

  2. I just love the fact that Dan Aykroyd's Stantz is the fat one. Think about his movies... is he EVER the fat one?

  3. Poison Kagero: The show is great, and I'd like to see another follow up to it for the current times.

    MC: That's true and in the "Making of" you can see he's a little upset about that. If you get a chance check out how fat they make Stantz in his Ghostbusters Extreme appearance. I'll probably post it.
