Friday, June 18, 2010

Random Things

Random Things

~While riding my bicycle, I was nearly run over by a damn mini-van. I was at a stop sign and a van with two women in it made a wide turn onto the same street and nearly mowed me down. I know someone will probably hit me, I just don't want to be taken out by a damn mini-van. I hate those things. I want to be taken out by a freaking tank.

~Boycott BP stations?: Some are saying you shouldn't because they're independently owned, but I'm not going to stop at a BP station for about three months like the protest has stated. Remember when Republicans were promoting more offshore drilling?

~Lady Gaga wants to do Playboy: Why? I can't say I find anything attractive about this woman.

~Church gets rid of gay softball coach?: Uh, sure it was a church sponsored league, but does it really matter that she was a lesbian? To be fair, she should have known how narrow minded religious faiths are about these sort of things and not have gotten involved in the league. At a certain point, you have to cut ties with people that don't agree with you or your lifestyle. I'm not going to join a team that I know has people that are rednecks.

~Perez Hilton and child porn?: As you know, Perez Hilton is a magnet for controversy. This is all set up for this stupid tool to get more press. Supposedly, he showed an up-skirt photo of Miley Cyrus, and she is still under age. I personally don't even understand the attention that she receives anyway. And, the big media is playing right into his hands and having him on TV shows again. When are people going to stop doing the same song and dance with this douche bag?

~I was watching the opening to Planet of the Apes again today. This movie is really good, and it makes it shame that Tim Burton messed it up with foolishness in the remake. It is like he didn't bother to even watch the first movie. Jerry Goldsmith's score is very strange but interesting at the same time. You can hear his Planet of the Apes influence in other movies.

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