Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Green Hornet (trailer)

The Green Hornet (trailer)

Well, the trailer is certainly not that good. Actually, it is downright horrible. It feels like something some out of touch “hip” studio guy just cookie-cutter-ed this thing. Why did we need the Hip-hop/rock music? Did we need to see the “extreme!” shot of machine guns coming out of the car?

Some of this is taken from Wiki, so it isn't 100% factual.

However, it should be noted that the movie has a long history of false starts and production problems.

-Michel Gondry was attached to the project back in the 90s.

-Kevin Smith wrote a script and came very close to starting production before he lose interest in the project. I heard rumors of Jason Lee being the Green Hornet, but that doesn’t seem to be the case.

-Stephen Chow came on board as director and for the role of Kato. He later left the production as director but stated that he was still going to play Kato. After some time passed, Chow dropped out of the Kato role.

-Sony brings director Michel Gondry back.

-Nicolas Cage dropped out and Christoph Waltz was in.

This could turn out to be a good movie, but surrounded by bad promotional material. Or this could be a trouble movie with worried studio trying their best to turn a turd into a gold nugget.

Also, where was that famous theme in the trailer?

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