Friday, May 28, 2010

The Oozinator (The Return)

The Oozinator (The Return)

The board meeting

I posted about this thing a few years back, but I had to return this “toy”. After watching the ad, what parent in their right mind let their child have this thing? There just so much wrong with this product that I'm surprised Hasbro even let this thing get through the development stage. Here are a few things wrong with this product.

-It looks like a green tentacle thing from those forbidden anime videos.

-You have to pump it before shooting it.

-It shoots out goo after you pump it.

-You shoot your friends with the goo. How in the hell can this be fun for the family?

Supposedly, there were many amusing reviews for the Oozinator on, but the site took most of them down. However, there are two reviews still up that are funny.

(("SagaciousB": I got my 25 year-old friend this as a birthday gift. We all got to watch him open it in anticipation.
The comments made during the opening were well worth the price. My personal favorite was an additional warning: "Caution: may cause pregnancy"
A perfect gift for a college or early-20's aged friend. I would not recommend this for children.))

I have to agree with the poster.

Anonymous ((I love to ooze on my friends all the time. So satisfying. Very educational. 10/10))

I bet you do…

By the way, if you want to refill your oozinator with “ooze”, you can get it for around 4 bucks, enjoy.

If anyone shot me with the Oozinator, I'm knocking them out.

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