Saturday, May 29, 2010

Hayley Williams: Nude on purpose or accident?

You can check out the actual picture here (Not safe for work) She's certainly cute in the face. But, I wouldn't say the picture is that scandalous. It's just her topless looking sexually into the camera. Now, the question is; Did she release the photo on purpose?

Hmm, hard to tell. Hayley Williams claims that the topless photo was leaked because someone hacked into her twitter page.

From, ((The Tweet was in response to a topless photo of the 21-year-old singer that began making the rounds that day, which Williams alleged was sent out without her consent by someone who cracked her Twitpic account, but which some online reports suggested may have been accidentally posted by the singer and then quickly removed — but not before it began rocketing across the Internet. ))

Now, why would you have a nude picture floating around Twitpic (unless you're a pornstar)? On the other hand, I'm unpleasant to look at and I have zero picture of myself nude on my computer. I guess good-looking people enjoy seeing themselves naked so they have nude pictures everywhere.

Anyway, I had no idea who Hayley Williams was until this scandal broke. Congratulations, I guess.

By the way, I've listened to some of her songs and I'm not a big fan. I will give her credit for not relying on too much auto-tune or strange trance beats. And, she's not Kesha.


  1. All I know is Paramore used to be a funk band. You heard some of that music... could you ever hear them playing funk?

  2. So they went from funk to rock right? I just heard one of their songs. It seems Hayley is all over the musical map. Country and a little bit of Hip-hop (with Auto-tune).
