Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Land of the Lost

Land of the Lost

To my utter surprise, I really enjoyed this movie a lot. I really have no idea why most critics hated this movie. I do understand why audiences stayed away, because the film is very close to an R-rating. There is a lot of sexual humor in the movie. There is also drug humor thrown in for good measure.

I thought the adult humor works for this comedic remake.

-The camera guy focuses in on Anna Friel’s legs and butt region throughout the entire movie. I’m serious. Either the director had a thing for Friel’s ass or his cameraman was getting exhausted holding the camera.

- Danny McBride steals the show every scene he’s in. He plays a crazy redneck that does make sense at times.

-Did you notice that the astronaut is from the future? Look at his space suit. It seems a bit more advanced than our current space suits. Plus, no one mentions a missing spaceman during the Earth scenes.

-Composer Michael Giacchino once again sneaks a hidden theme from one of his previous works into this movie. You can hear the Lost (TV show) end credits theme during the scene where Anna Friel brings him fossil of the lighter.

-The smart T-Rex: I love that the T-Rex actually understands everything Will Ferrell says and has a personal grudge against him. I just love this subplot.

-The main villain is rather weak. I'm going to reveal how he's defeated, but I wasn't really impressed with the way the heroes handle him.

-Anna Friel is very cute.

-Chaka: I’m not 100% sold on this guy, but there are some funny moments with him and Ferrell.

Land of the Lost is probably one of Ferrell’s better movies of recent years. While the lack of a really good villain and a few comedic missteps will turn some people off, I think the older audiences will enjoy the dirty jokes and the comedic nods to the original series. This isn’t a kid’s movie.

Grade: B-

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