Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Did you know Tila Tequila is a gossip blogger?

Did you know Tila Tequila is a gossip blogger?

That’s right the jack of (off?) all trades has become a blogger just like us. She’s soiled Twitter, Myspace, Ustream, Facebook and Youtube, so I guess it is only natural that she shit on blogging too.

Her Blog is named Miss Tila OMG. Just do a Goolge search because I am not going to link it here.

She says she wants to go after Perez Hilton’s blog with her own blog. Talk about aiming low. Combining the uselessness of Tila with the annoyance of Perez you get something so rancid that I can’t describe it. But, she basically took the format of Perez’s blog and made it slightly less annoying…with less drawn on penises. I wish I could tell you the site is bad, but it’s more harmless than anything else.

I guest that singing career didn’t pan out. Before going to her blog, make sure to listen to her “wonderful” song “I love you”. My ears are still bleeding from it.

While promoting her blog, she decided to sing live on some local channel. The results are painful and hilarious at the same time.

This always amuses me because somehow someone so talent less has made so much money. Yeah, she is attractive, but I always felt she was on the threshold of completely losing her mind. I’m sure dating her is like carrying around 100-year-old dynamite in your backpack. You never know what will make it explode.

If I was going to say something nice I guess, “Good luck with the blogging?”

Side Note: Tila actually used “The Onion” as a source in one of her post! Then she magically took it down. You have to read about it, because it is extremely that she thought it was a real story.

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