Monday, April 05, 2010

Michael Jackson's This Is It versions of his songs

Michael Jackson “The way you make me feel” (This is it version)

This is the version he sings during the rehearsal for his canceled concert. I love the opening jazzy version of the song, and I even like when they screw with the growl. There is also a screw up toward the end too.

Human Nature (This is it)

I love that he really gets into it during the rehearsal. He can’t hit the higher notes during the rehearsal.

Smooth Criminal (This is it)

He really gets into this one too. You can hear it in his voice. This is purely a badass song regardless what version.

Wanna be startin something

Thriller (this is it)

This one has a lot changes toward the ending. It is actually much slower than the old album version and the music video version. I’m not sure who does the new voiceover.

I can’t stop loving you (This is it)

Judith Hill does the duet with him. She is a very lovely woman. I love the ending of this song. This is when MJ gets carried away.

Black or White

Someone edited out MJ screw up from the video. He thinks there is a second verse even though they edited it out. It is a funny moment in the video when he realizes he screwed up.

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