Monday, April 05, 2010

American Pie Presents: The Book of Love

American Pie Presents: The Book of Love

Well, it wasn’t as terrible as the other direct to DVD spin-offs, but that doesn’t make it good either. The movie is probably the raunchiest of the spin-off films. In this one, pretty much every female lead takes their tops off. (Unlike the other ones) Even when it doesn’t add anything to the plot, boom, someone is popping out a boob.

The poor writing and acting completely bring this comedy down. Not all the boobs and hot girls can help a weak movie. It also feels like some of the National Lampoon folks wrote and directed this movie, meaning it feels cheap.

The Book of Love tries so hard to behave like the first two movies (American Pie and American Pie II), but it just comes across as trying too hard. Then, there are outrageous bits that happen that make no sense, like the seen with them traveling to a whorehouse in Canada. It wants to be taken into the same league as the first movie, but then has scenes so slapstick that the “Meet the Spartans” guys would give them a thumbs up. It feels more like stealing than paying homage.

It tries its best to copy AP1 right down to copying the Pie-F’ing scene. This time it is peanut butter…and a dog. Again, it is not as funny.

Heck, they even randomly bring in Nadia’s sister/cousin and she proves it by showing her boobs. While I’ll take good female nudity any day, she just shows up and says, “I’m Nadia’s cousin.” And, BAM she takes her top off, and that’s it. Why not introduce her earlier in the film? That way this scene is more of a payoff than a random insert (pun intended).

Here are a few thoughts about the movie.

-Jonah Hill 2?: The producers decided to add a cast member that looks and acts like Jonah Hill, except more subdued. Brandon Hardesty even has the Hill hair. Looking up Hardesty, he is an Internet personality. His crazy sex fantasies were more interesting than another of his so-called character development.

-Rosanna Arquette looks pretty damn sexy here.

-Did I mention the scene where a dead hooker dies why going down on one of the main stars? It is probably one of the worst scenes in the movie.

-If you want to see Nadia’s cousin, you can see the scene here (Not safe for work).

-The Book of Love really isn’t in the movie that much.

AP: Book of Love fails at a lot of things, but still is the best out of the direct to DVD spin-offs (Rip-offs?). The only reason to rent it is to see the many nude scenes, but nothing more.

Grade: D+

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