Monday, March 22, 2010

Remember Jesse Camp?

Remember Jesse Camp?

As I listened to a podcast, they mentioned Jesse Camp. I started laughing because I remember this burn out MTV VJ. He could bare speak, yet he had two shows. This was when MTV was still showing music videos and not Jersey Shore reruns and other teen-based reality shows. You couldn't turn on MTV without seeing this guy's ugly face.

At first it made me wonder; Why would MTV want to hire this loser? Yet, come to find out, he was a winner on a VJ contest and they had to take him. I'm surprised he even lasted a year on MTV, but then again look at who is starring in their current shows on the network.

Naturally, a guy with no talent would later start up his own band. They were called Jesse & the 8th Street Kidz, it makes it cool when you replace the “S” with a “Z”. Listening to a few samples from his album, it sounds like a poor retro tribute album with the same guitar riffs on every track. But, it is Jesse Camp's terrible voice that is the problem. Don't take my word for it, listen this mess on Rhapsody.

After his album crapped out, Camp just disappeared.

From, (("The kid was a confused teenager who ended up fooling the whole world, including me. Thousands of fans lined up outside record stores when he released his rock and roll album ... problem [is] nobody bought, they just wanted to touch him, be him for a day. ... He has spent the last several years trying to find himself and do the right thing, unfortunately without much success to date."))

It would appear he went from working on MTV to a Pet Store clerk. I used to work as a clerk and I can tell you it is a horrible job. Now, think of having your own TV show and album to working for a Pet Store, ouch.

Now, let this be a warning to the Jersey Shore cast.


  1. Jesse Camp had to work at a normal job for six months as a requirement to complete his probation. Not because he had to because he invested his Mtv money very well and now never has to work another day in his life unless he wants to. I am his second cousin and know him very well. He is a brilliant guy and is much like Andy Kaufman. People that get so worked up about him - like you still do ten years after the fact - don't realize that the joke is in fact on you.

  2. The fact you took the time to come in here a leave a comment on a shitty blog as mine seems to make the joke on you. If he has enough F’ you money going around, then he and his family shouldn’t have to care what I (a shitty little Blogger) or anyone else has to say…right?

    With the exception of Andy Kaufman and the wrestler prank, I was never a fan of Kaufman’s work. Then again, Camp is certainly more entertaining than Pauly Shore or any of those reality shows that are on MTV now.

    It seems strange that I actually yearn from the old days of MTV “with” Camp and the rest of the gang, crap and all.

    Wait a second, did I just give props to Mr. Camp? Damn it, I again made my argument side with the other side…well shiiiitttt.

  3. The fact that you are trying to diss anybody about there job is pathetic! I think it's cool that he had a job. Especially in this economy now. Get over your self.
