Monday, March 22, 2010

All About Steve

All About Steve

Well, that was not good, but not as bad as everyone tells you. It is mind-numbingly bad and very misguided, but not Brothers Solomon bad. I wanted to really hate this film because of the reputation. However it is more of a misguided/unstable film that doesn’t know what it wants to be more than anything else.

Sandra Bullock’s character is a crossword puzzle writer for a local newspaper. She goes on a blind date with Bradley Cooper. After Cooper has to rush to his job, Bullock goes on a fool’s journey across country to find her true love Steve (Cooper). Steve doesn’t agree with this and thinks she is crazy.

Okay, there is one scene that does come across as funny. It’s the scene where Sandra Bullock goes on a date with Steve. She is so attracted to him that she basically jumps his bones in his van. And, Sandra looks amazing in that red bra and it shows even in her 40s, she is an attractive woman. If Sandra Bullock wanted to have her way with me in the back of a car, I wouldn’t leave to go to a gig. I’m just saying…

Bullock does an okay job as Mary, but the story is and editing in this movie makes her out to be clueless. While the movie wants us to feel bad for her, but many of the things that happen is completely her fault. In another movie, Mary would be considered a stalker. Her character gets away with it because she just so darn cute.

Here’s the kicker; the movie is not really “All About Steve”. Steve ends up being a rather passive character toward the middle of the film and onward. Cooper literally has nothing to do with the story toward the climax of the film. And, Romantic movie fans will hate the way the movie ends too.

I’m not sure even the writer Kim Barker even knows what she was trying to convey with the story. It also appears that Barker has only two writing credits to her name. She wrote this movie and License to Wed. License to Wed wasn’t exactly a good movie either. Perhaps with a few more writing credits under her belt, she can pull out a better story. Are supposed to like Mary, Kim?

Phil Traill’s direction feels like the studio interfered a little bit too much. Some plotlines are completely dropped without any sense of closure.

All About Steve isn’t the worst movie ever created, that’s Battlefield Earth, but it doesn’t get a pass either. The movie is stupid, but has a few cute moments, such as Bullock stripping and trying to rape Cooper, but it just doesn’t have the charm of some of her other movies.

Grade: D+


Sandra: “It’s okay, Bradley. We’ll get through this shitty movie alive.”
Thomas Haden Church: “Yeah, look at me. I lived through Spider-man III.”

Bradley Cooper: “I can see the future. Does Michelle McGee ring a bell to you?”

Sandra Bullock: “No, why?”

Bradley Cooper: “Uh, never mind…”

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