Sunday, March 21, 2010

Pamela Anderson and Crazy Domains

Pamela Anderson and Crazy Domains

Pamela Anderson in an ad? Have we flashback to the 90s?

Now, what exactly is this ad supposed to be selling? Milk? Sex with two babes? Nope, buying your domain name and web hosting, but it seems to be selling us on Pamela Anderson. I first thought it was a milk commercial.

It would appear that some people in Australia didn’t like what the ad was implying with the “milk” slashing on female bodies. From the Sun, ((But the racy commercial has been banned by Australia's Advertising Standards Bureau after it sparked hundreds of complaints. ))

Something tells me most of the complaints came from women and probably mothers. Nope, we can't have sex in ads, but blowing a guys brains out is acceptable. While I have my problems with sex in ads, I can't side with ASB on this. Like in the US, I think people have too much time on their hands to write and complain about shit like this ad. It is a stupid ad with Baywatch/Barb Wire star.

I'm more offended that anyone finds Pamela Anderson relevant or even sexy anymore. Her expiration date went out a long time ago. I find this amusing because I told a co-worker, who thinks she's attractive, that I found her overrated. She's what Big Business believes is what guys find attractive. I'll take a Gianna Michaels over a young Pamela Anderson any day.

And, it amazes me that advertising groups believe that only the Pamela types can sell their products.

Regardless how I feel about it, this little controversy will give Crazy Domains a lot of free press and probably new clients. Way to play right into their hands.

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