Friday, March 19, 2010

Joslyn James: Sexting, texting, and posting…

Joslyn James: It’s a bit too late for that. (radio interview)

As you already know, a certain Pornstar by the name of Joslyn James has been connected to super-slut Tiger Woods. She supposedly had a long affair with the golfing superstar, and she even claims she had two aborted pregnancies that were Tiger’s. (How does a Pornstar NOT have some form of birth control? That’s just stupid.)

So, now Tiger's former girlfriend/sex buddy has a website devoted to posting all of Tiger Woods' dirty text messages. (Not safe for work) And, some of them are very dirty. Sure we get a peek into Tiger Woods' sex life, but at this at point is this Web Site even necessary? The damage is already done, now it just is embarrassing his wife when you release these text messages.

So, what is this Pornstar's motive behind the damn site? She wants an apology for Tiger's actions. Uh, releasing personal text messages will not get you an apology. First off, you were just the “Other-Other” girl. You don't deserve any apology. Second, you made the choice to bang a famous married man. It you that should apologize to the wife, Joslyn James. Look, you got F'ed over (literally) and it is time to move on.

By the way, I did some research and watched a few of her old porn movies. Holy Cow, she isn't innocent in any way. (Listen, I did it for research. Honestly. )

Look how “innocent” she is in this clip. Enjoy...

After watching some of her “movies”, I'm a little disappointed in Tiger. This was the best you could do? She is everything that is wrong with the porn industry. Fake breasts, too many tattoos, and spray on tans. I'm noticing a trend here with all of Tiger's girlfriends, all of them are fake, plastic, and trashy.

I'm not saying I agree with his actions, but at least get some better levels of women. If you're going to cheat go for the gold and not bronze. How about not cheating at all?


  1. Why are you disappointed? For most men it's not always about the looks. It's about the filthy sex their wives aren't giving to them. Apparently Joslyn James was...

  2. wait a second, is this Joslyn James or a clone?

    I'm all for dirty sex and shit, but there is another factor factor when the man or woman is married and another set of feelings to take into account. If he or she isn't getting the sex he's seeing in the movies, then he needs to divorce her and move on. He can't have it both ways.
