Monday, February 22, 2010

Jared isn't eating fresh

Subway’s Jared Fogle must not be on the Subway Diet… (Link to a story)

If anyone knows me personally, they are aware I hate Jared (from Subway) a lot. I never liked his stupid grin and the oversized pants he carried around with him to show his weight loss. So eating right and working out are the key…wow a brilliant concept.

Now, Jared has kind of let himself go a bit and picked up some weight. Doing nothing but beer and sleeping with super models will do that to you. Though he might be gaining the weight because he’s engaged, meaning his comfortable.

By the way, I love how they tried to cover up Jared’s size by having him wear a jacket and a short shot of him.

Of course, Subway had to make a statement about this Jared dude. (("Jared still enjoys his favorite SUBWAY sandwich, but has eased himself into eating other foods. He always chooses foods low in fat and limits the amount of alcoholic beverages. He still drinks only "diet" beverages and continues his walking regimen."))

I love the “Has eased himself into eating other foods,” bit. Hey, Jared, be happy skinny or fat; just don’t fly on Southwest ever…

I liked the heavier Jon Lovitz being the spokesman anyway.

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