Based on the highly acclaimed play, which was based on the actual Frost-Nixon interview tapes; Frost/Nixon is a compelling movie. Frost/Nixon is a basically battle between the two people. You get to see how this interview takes its toll on each of them. Plus, you will see the story behind the making of the Interview Tapes.
Michael Sheen as TV interviewer David Frost is convincing as the good guy that puts everything on the line for this interview. Sheen does a stand-up good going from being sheepish to hardnosed reporter in a matter of scenes. Sheen needs to be commended for that.
The acting from the whole cast is good, but there is one person that really shines out of all of them. That person is Frank Langella. Langella is Nixon. I never thought he looked like him in the part, but he encompasses at the mannerism and speech patterns Nixon was famous for. Langella’s Nixon is so complex and entertaining that you truly believe the spirit of Nixon took over his body. I loved watching this character.
Because Langella masters the role so well, there is a certain point when you feel sorry for the guy. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I felt bad for Nixon after the interview. There is one moment where a disenchanted Nixon sees a little dog and goes over to pet it. That moment shows you his state of mind.
The movie is also partly a biopic for Nixon as well. You will see interviews with the actors playing older versions of their younger characters in the movie. The story flows from personal historical facts to the bigger political historic moments discussed in the interviews.
To my surprise, one of the weaker directors somehow made this into a funny/tension filled movie. That director is Ron Howard. Mr. Howard does have an eye for boring up interesting subjects to director, but sometimes his movie come across as dull. This is not the case for Frost/Nixon. Howard made two men sitting in the room more compelling and exciting than a bunch of random Transformers fighting in the desert.
There aren’t any moments that felt out of place or unresolved. If I had one complaint, I would have liked even more interview information and scenes to round out the building tension. However, don’t let that keep you from watching this compelling political drama.
Grade: B+
I saw this recently and also enjoyed it. I have to admit that I didn't know much about Watergate or Nixon before watching the movie, so it was educational for me.
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed the setup and the documentary style of the movie, as well as Sheen's portrayal of Frost. It's funny cos I thought that Langella looked just like Nixon, and he got Nixon's speech patterns and mannerisms just right too. I definitely felt some sympathy for his character at the end. Liked Kevin Bacon too.
Spam word is renwasen. Sounds like something cool and Japanese.
Sheen was great, I loved when Nixon stepped all over him with his long winded speeches. Langella was simply brilliant