Friday, February 19, 2010

Gary Coleman rage

Gary Coleman rage...

Behold the power of the Darkside. Gary Coleman proved once again that former child actors are a troubled bunch. From the Daily News, ((While appearing on "The Insider" Wednesday night, the former child star engaged in a heated argument with attorney Lisa Bloom that resulted in him storming off the set. ))

That's right he lost it over the stupid TV show The Insider. When you lose control over the fluff show The Insider, it is time to look into some treatment. It should be noted that Coleman has walked off shows before like on an episode of The Surreal Life.

You have to wonder if his wife knew what she getting herself into when she married him. Did she know that all that 80s anger would come to the surface?

They should have played the end credits to Different Strokes when he walked off the set.

Mr. T vs. Arnold

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