Friday, February 19, 2010

Fat Wars: Kevin Smith vs. Southwest...Fight!

Kevin Smith vs. Southwest

From Smith's Twitter account, (("The @SouthwestAir Diet. How it works: you're publicly shamed into a slimmer figure. Crying the weight right off has never been easier!" ))

Southwest is the Walmart of the airways, but that also means that their costumer service is rather shitty. You get what you paid for when you fly Southwest.

And, yes Kevin Smith has gotten rather big lately, hell he admits that he broke a toilet. After listening to his super long rant on his podcast (Right Here), I have to agree with him on this issue. Not because I am on the larger side of the issue (I'm a big guy), but the way they handled the situation was very shitty. Smith isn't “Super” fat, and it does feel like someone went after Smith because they hated his movies. It really does feel like they wanted to prove a point here.

If you listen to his podcast, Kevin mentions that he notices a fatter person on the flight. They make eye contact right before Kevin Smith was booted. He could tell the fatter person didn't want to be pointed out either. That was probably one of the funniest moments in the entire podcast

Heck, Anderson Cooper had a discussion on his show with two people on opposite sides of the argument. Meme Roth (National Action Against Obesity) in the video seems to come across as using certain talking points that appear to be cooked up by Southwest. Roth, an attractive skinny person, seems to not understand that not all fat people can get rid of the weight. Roth does seem to have a skinny agenda. (Even Fox News destroys this woman) Some people will constantly have to battle their weight issues, while others will never have to go on diet or exercise. It is the hand you get dealt.

~Added bonus information from Smith himself.

~The real reason he attacked SWA: Yes, they took a heavy-set woman and asked her to buy another ticket.

Updated while writing...the actual woman from second incident where the heavy-set woman was asked to buy another seat in front of Kevin Smith. Why would you embarrassed a woman like that? This story is getting very bad for Southwest. She isn't what I would consider a flight risk, because she wasn't that big. The more and more I hear about this story, it really does feel like someone at Southwest was trying to put Smith in his place. And, embarrassing this woman was another way of doing it.

If anyone knows her facebook or myspace, which she mentions passingly on the podcast, hit me up.

I love that this is a PR nightmare for Southwest that they brought onto themselves. But some in the company have handled it better than others.

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