Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Gatorade's Tiger Woods “Unfaithful”

Fake Special Editions of Gatorade bottles with the words “Unfaithful” appear on store shelves. (The story is here)

That’s right Bootleg labels were found on Gatorade bottles that were usually Tiger Woods drinks. Tiger’s drink was called “Focus”, and I could make a joke here about that, but I won’t. (If you want to a Tiger Joke watch this video) I probably would have never noticed the drinks because I am always in a rush to get out of the store.

They did discover one of the folks behind the Unfaithful marketing.

((An e-mail address on the fake label belonged to Jason Kay of Longmont, Col., 9 News reported. He says was involved, but called the "Unfaithful" labels a friend's "pop art" project. Kay said his friend did not want to be contacted. "The artist wants to remain anonymous because there are similar future projects in the works."))

I guess he doesn’t care if jail time is coming his way, because the FDA is looking into this matter. If it were me, I wouldn’t arrest them and just say, “Nice prank, don’t do it again.”

How did they do it? And, how can I get my hands on one?

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