Wednesday, January 13, 2010

2010 movies, Are you ready?

Movieline has a prediction of the Top Ten bad movie of 2010.

I'm looking forward to seeing which of these movies will become critical train wrecks. I'd like to add my two cents into the movies they've predicted. Make sure to see the trailers in the link above.

Sex And the City 2: I'll admit that the first film wasn't that bad. I kind of enjoyed it. However, at this point, the Franchise should be called The Golden Girls II. The first movie pretty much closed the door on the series I thought. I want to go to Egypt too, but I don't want to see these women there.

Furry Vengeance: So “fierce creatures” start attacking the guy from the Mummy series. The kids will eat it up. And, I think Joe Six-Pack will show up too. This movie will be a hit, sadly.

Valentine’s Day: First off, I hate Valentine’s Day, so this movie already has points against it. Second, it uses that horrible Black Eyed Peas song “I got a feeling”. Third, it has Ashton Kutcher in the movie. Why don't we just call it He’s Just Not That Into You II: The Revenge.

The Back-Up Plan : Jo-Lo is back and I have to say she looks very hot in the trailer. But, this looks like All About Steve all over again. Where has she been in 2009?

1 comment:

  1. nice post i will watch for the latest movie this 2010.. keep it
