Monday, December 21, 2009

Star Wars: The Clone Wars (Part 2 of 2 review)

Star Wars: The Clone Wars

Yes, this little movie is sometimes light years ahead of the prequels mainly because Lucas wasn’t as involved with every inch of the story. However, after hearing the commentary on the DVD, I now understand nearly all the problems I have with this movie come directly from George Lucas’s suggestions.

For some reason, the movie throws in a bunch of little unnecessary comedic moments that make me cringe every time. Most of these silly moments come from the robot army. Lucas suggested all the funny moments into an otherwise serious script. These were the same problems I had with Episodes 1 and 2. These goofy moments seem like they were written by a five year old for a five year old.

The other problem is the music. To put it simply, it isn’t John Williams’ score. Composer Kevin Kiner simply can’t hold a candle to Williams’ music and it shows. Heck, we don’t even get an opening crawl like the other movies.

However, don’t let these minor things keep you from renting this animated movie. It is certainly what the prequels should have been. I’m now looking forward to the TV series.

Grade: B

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