Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Bryan Singer finds his way back to the X-Men franchise

Bryan Singer finds his way back to the X-Men franchise

When I heard this news, I couldn't believe it at first. It mainly has to do with the way Bryan Singer and FOX ended their relationship before the shooting of X3. Singer and his team of writers had a story ready to flesh out for the X3 movie, but Fox pretty much fired him from the franchise. FOX brought in Brett Ratner, and we all know how that turned out.

I also think this has partly something to do with the bad buzz and fizzle of Valkyrie. And, Singer might be willing to return to safer fields, and non-Tom Cruise movies.

Well, Fox and Singer have kissed and made up. Singer will be on board for the development of basically a “Year One” story of the X-Men. While the franchise has hinted at the Charles Xavier/Magneto falling out, we may actually start to see it during this story. Plus, we'll see the young team attempting to become heroes.

Here is the concept for X-Men: First Class. (("This is the formative years of Xavier and Magneto, and the formation of the school and where their relationship took a wrong turn," Singer told Variety. "There is a romantic element, and some of the mutants from 'X-Men' will figure into the plot, though I don't want to say which ones. There will be a lot of new mutants and a great villain." ))

One of Singer's best gifts is streamlining plots and making them well-written but easy to follow. This one why X3 was such a mess.

While I still think there could be a major falling out between FOX and Singer, I'm looking forward to seeing how this new movie turns out.

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