Thursday, August 20, 2009

that's just mean

Woman yells, “Heil Hitler” to a Jewish man because he supports Obama’s heath care system.

Wow, this woman is an asshole. Despite whatever way you feel about an issue, why would you insult the man by making a racial remark like that? How does yelling Heil Hitler help your case?

Well, the news is reporting that the woman’s name is Pamela Pilger. She has to be one of the worst people I’ve seen in a long time. Are you that crazy to say that in front of him?

People are really taking this health care protest too far. At some point, some will open fire at one of these things. Plus, you have TV folks encouraging this stuff through fear mongering.

Let’s not forget that the new catch phrase is calling Obama Hitler now. Then you have this crazy woman compares Hitler to Obama’s policy. I do like how Barney Frank rips into her.

Enough is enough, people need to sit down and discuss this instead of making prearranged statements and threats.


  1. Here is another piece of information for this... she is apparently wearing a shirt that says IDF... Israeli Defense Force.

    And the faux weeping at the end... when she said Heil Hitler, she might not have known he was an Israeli, but her doing that weepy thing at the end... yeah, that was craptacular.

  2. That's crazy, you think she was trying to be ironic?

    The weepy thing at the end was probably at the point when I would have cussed her out. The guy kept his cool for the most part. I know I wouldn't have

  3. Part of me (ok, 99.7% of me) believes that she doesn't understand irony.
