Thursday, August 20, 2009

Random Thoughts

Random Thoughts

~Man, this year has sucked for me. A lot of things have mounted up and made this a shitty year for me. I won't go into details, but it hasn't been a fun year. I'm looking forward to next year.

~Lady Gaga: This lady is starting to get on my nerves. While I think she might not be a hermaphrodite, she’s really playing it up. Perhaps, this was all a set up to get us to continue to talk about her. Now, she keeps talking about the fact that she is gay and wants Kanye West to know that. Not that he really cares and neither do I. And, what's up with the stupid outfits?

~Some reviews about Octomom are coming in about that 2hr special. The general agreement is that she is a terrible person and seems to like the fame part but not the motherhood part.

~Microsoft Word is banned?: Pretty much so. Probably the only thing that seems to be worth a damn in MS is Word (and Powerpoint). It seems strange to know that an injunction on could affect MS pretty harshly. Maybe they can try to fix their Red Rings of Death while they're waiting. I use both Word 2003 and Open Office. I should have picked up the latest version of Word before the Injunction.

~What to do when you recongize a pornstar: Let's just say there are a few 'former' pornstars that have made appearances in the Louisville area. One of them is rather famous and grew up here. You can check out her Myspace here. She's going by her real name and not her stage name. She probably lives in a different part of Louisville that I don't go in much, The South End. I'm not going to say much about her, but I'll follow these steps if I ever come across her. (There have been sighting of her too. I'm guessing the photographer didn't know who she was.)


  1. You know, I couldn't identify a Lady Gaga song out of a lineup.

    And re: The woman you mention in the last item. I saw something she was in and I have to say I was disturbed by it. And that takes a LOT.

  2. They are all the same techno/auto tune mess. But I have to admit I sort of like the Remix of "poker face" the Hip hop one.

    The Woman: That is saying something. She does some intense stuff

    BTW, I'm not saying her name mainly because I dont want to ruin a certain thing some has going with her. It would be the biggest C-blocking ever.
