Saturday, June 06, 2009

Uwe Boll tries something different... “Stoic”

Uwe Boll tries something different... “Stoic”

Over at Slash Film, they have a trailer to Boll's serious movie called Stoic. (Just in case the trailer doesn't work, here is a youtube version.)

It stars the other John Connor, Edward Furlong, (The same guy that tried to free lobsters from a fish tank in KY.) I'll give points to Boll for having the guts to hire Furlong considering the leader of the human resistance's substance abuse past.

Instead of shitty videogame franchises to destroy, Boll has decided to make this happy film.

Taken from,

((A heated game of poker causes three men incarcerated for nonviolent offenses to brutalize their cellmate before taking drastic measures in order to cover up their crime. ))

I hate to say this but, I'd take half-naked vampire women over this dreary movie. I can't wait for BloodRayne 3: Warhammer to come out.

Looking at the trailer, it still seems like Dr. Boll can't direct. You can wrap poop in a dozen of roses and it is still going to stink.

Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice, shame on Boll.

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