Friday, June 05, 2009

Osbournes: Reloaded (Uh, is this 2002?)

Osbournes: Reloaded (Uh, is this 2002?)

What the hell is this? A variety show on FOX with the Osbournes?

Maybe I’m an elitist, but I never understand the attraction and popularity of the Osbournes. I didn’t get why people liked their reality show, and I blamed them for the slew of trash that’s on VH1 now that’s called reality.

I felt Sharon Osbourne was squeezing the Osbourne name dry. During the height of the Ozzy reality show, I was the one complaining about all the merchandise.

However, this show is just pure crap. When everyone had their fill of the Osbournes, someone decided to make this variety show. I don't know of anyone begging for another variety show.

You think the video above is bad, check out this video where Ozzy dresses up like a woman and does a flashdance spoof. Ozzy, you're making a complete fool out of yourself. Knock it off.

The only positive things to come out of this are the negative reviews. Ken Tucker said this about the show, ((It seems a lifetime since, in 2002, the Osbournes came across as refreshingly nutty on their MTV reality show. On The Osbournes: Reloaded, Ozzy, Sharon, Kelly, and Jack were just pathetic. No wonder Fox kept chopping this proposed hour-long "variety show" into an ever-smaller size before airing it. The network is supposed to air five more Reloadeds. Don't hold your breath. Or maybe, do hold your breath: The stink of this show will last a long time. ))

I couldn't agree more. Yet, it says something about the studio exec that thought this would be a good idea. This exec thinks his viewing audience isn't too bright and that they'd watch a watered-down version of the reality show. What does that say about FOX?

Didn't anyone learn from Rosie Live? You can't do too many prime time variety shows.

So, what are the things wrong with this show? There are a few.

-Kelly Osbourne: She puts on so much makeup that she looks like a clown. Isn’t she supposed to be in rehab?

-It is a variety show:

-It is not funny.


-Sharon talks about the show: She does a bit of spinning here.

-Uh, the show is on Facebook. It states the show will return, but that statement was on April 1st. (April Fools?)

Come on, TV, you can do better than this?

How much more can she get out him?


  1. You'd think they could do better, but alas, they can't.

  2. It's really sad to see them even attempt to get back into the TV gig with this mess, and on FOX to boot.

    This was a complete mess.

    I'm not sure they'll air the other five episodes.
