Sunday, June 14, 2009

Mr. Mxyzptlk in Superman TAS

Superman (Another great episode)

Now, this is a crazy episode. It’s a funny episode, and I loved hearing them talking about it on the World’s Finest Podcast.

-You have Ma and Pa Kent turning into chickens.

-The Thinker coming to life.

-Mr. Mxyzptlk looks different than the version from the comic books. He has a very Tiny Toons look to him. That seems right because the creators on Superman Animated Series worked on Tiny Toons. (He also has a 1940’s look with his clothing.)

-He’s almost like a louder version of Q.

- Mr. Mxyzptlk has a hot redheaded girlfriend?

-Gilbert Gottfried is prefect as the voice of the imp. I knew a guy just like him in high school. He sounded just like Gilbert.

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