Saturday, June 13, 2009

Letterman vs. Palin: Fight!

I still haven't forgotten about that Wiki incident, Sarah.

Uh, about this Sarah Palin and Dave Letterman battle

While I've never been an avid watcher of Letterman, I've always thought Letterman was funnier than Leno. Letterman doesn't mind making fun of his more stupid guests, such as Paris Hilton. Sure, his remarks weren't PC enough, but I still like this guy. I like that he's kind of an asshole.

Poniewozik over at does bring up some damn fine points in his post. For some reason, this all seems a bit to measured in the outrage. They know they can't go after Obama, so they attack Letterman. Letterman could give two shits about it. However, this of course is boosting Letterman's ratings.

Taken from Poniewozik's post,

((At the same time, she's punishing Dave by providing him tremendous exposure as he's facing a new competitor on NBC. (Who the Today Show is thus indirectly undermining. The ironies don't stop!) ))

I believe Sarah isn't that outraged, but is using this to keep in the limelight. Remember, the news media stopped talking about her for a good two-three months. This 'feud' has added another 15 minutes of fame. (Fame! I want to live for-ever!)

So, who is the biggest loser in this battle between Sarah and David? NBC and Conan O'Brien.

From NY Daily News,

((According to, O'Brien's overnight ratings have consistently dropped since he took over "The Tonight Show," while Letterman's "Late Show" has simultaneously attracted more viewers with its big name celebrity guests.))

I'd really like to see NBC fail big time after this. (I like Conan, but I'm still miffed about the Leno thing.) So, thank you, Palin, for making this possible.

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