Friday, May 15, 2009

No Chicken at Popeyes (Can't get dat bucket heahnah)

No Chicken at Popeyes (Can't get dat bucket heahnah)

My brother told me about this.

Chalk this up to News organizations making black people look bad. They just had to interview some of the most crazy sounding black people in the video. And why is a dirty-ass store running out of chicken news-worthy?

“How you going to run out of chicken?”

As a black person, I'm embarrassed. Maybe I'm not in the loop, but I've never liked Popeyes Chicken.

Do you have to yell at the Drive-thru speaker?

This guy pretty much sums up how I feel about this clip.

I wish I could exclusively blame the news people for this report, but the people in the video are the ones making an ass of themselves.

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