Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Random Stuff

Random Stuff

~Joe the Plumber keeps on keeping on: Is it his duty to keep saying stupid things? Sure we want government to start listening to the common people, but not the stupid people. I remember when he attacked embedded journalists, when he was one himself. Please don't put him up for election or vote him into Congress.

~ Ticket this!: After helping two old ladies cross the street and being hit by a truck, a man gets ticketed for jaywalking. I know towns and cities are strapped for cash, but this guy was injured and the police felt the need to ticket a guy that just helped two old farts crossing a street. It takes the polices a long to to report an injury, but they acted pretty fast giving this dude a jaywalking ticket.

Good news is that the ticket has been dismissed. It should have never been reported to begin with.

~For the Love of Ray J: I attempted to watch a few minutes of this 'reality' show, but I can't seem get past watching Ray J mugging for the camera. He thinks he's God's gift to hot women just because he banged Kim Kardashian and filmed it. His songs aren't that good and he reminds me of a bug for some reason. The show is a tamer version of Flavor of Love with less ghetto-type women, or trashy women from Rock of Love.

~An Asian satellite network censors the words Gay and Lesbian from repeat broadcasts of the Oscars. I'm no gay advocate, because I think the gay community is fighting the wrong battles, but there are gay people out there, even if your country bans it. The two words aren't cuss words or offensive, so why cut them out of the re-broadcast?

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