Monday, March 02, 2009

Freddie Prinze Jr. Leaves WWE

Freddie Prinze Jr. Leaves/let go from the WWE writing staff

((Freddie Prinze Jr. has reportedly left his job with World Wrestling Entertainment's creative team. ))

Wow, that was quick. I remember writing about him joining a few months ago.

I thought it was a little strange having him on their writing staff anyway. When Scooby Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed is on your résumé, that’s not a big help to your career. And when your first writing credit is an episode of "Mutant X" (WTF?), I wouldn’t call him a groundbreaking writer.

But to be fair, WWE isn’t known for great movies or storytelling either. (The Marine)

I think the guy needs to be working on his career anyway, instead of playing around in the writing room of the WWE. How about some real acting work for a Scooby Doo 3: The smell of Scooby Poop? You simply can’t have Delgo as your last piece of work.

Defamer is reporting that perhaps (Allegedly) he was leaking info to the Internet about future WWE storylines.

There's always Delgo II.


  1. From what I've read, the WWE is the only promotion that actually makes their talent read from scripts.

    Most other promotions tell their talent generally where they want the talking to go, and then they let them get their points out in their own way. The WWE writes down every word their talent is going to say.

  2. Thanks for the insight. I guess that goes back to Venice wanting to keep calling it Sports Entertainment.

    I wonder what exactly did Freddie bring to table?
