Monday, February 16, 2009

Behold the ‘new’ opening titles to the Simpsons.

Behold the ‘new’ opening to the Simpsons.

I haven't watched much of The Simpsons of late, with the exception of the movie, but that was the updated opening.

There are a lot of small changes visually, plus some minor sound changes as well. Above is the new Main Title. I really do like the added animation and characters to the piece.

Some people have started to dis it, but I really like the opening. Things start to get stale after a while, Everyone Star Trek show, except Voyager, changed their title opening. So, I see nothing wrong with fixing it up with the new HD stuff coming in. (Though I don't think FOX is broadcasting in true HD channels, but a slightly different format...)

Look closely for Spider Pig from the movie. Make sure to check out the pan around scene that has been changed for this version. As another posters from digg stated, God appears to have five fingered hands, the Devil might too. That's pretty clever if true.

I just love the couch gag at the end. You'll probably won't see that again though.

The Post movie Title Opening...

From Digg, It’s been stated that the Title sequence was completely changed after the Simpsons movie aired and the 19th season began for the first episode.

In Spanish

I like that they kept the opening in continuity with the movie with the rebuilding of the town and appearance of Spider Pig.

Make sure to read Bart's chalk-board letters.

Btw, I will have another post about the Simpsons coming up, but it is about a certain actress and the character she plays...

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