Monday, February 16, 2009

Bart Simpson is a Scientologist?

"Pwned, Nancy."

Bart Simpson is a Scientologist?

Listen to this...

This kind of thing just flew over my head the time it happened. And, I didn’t know anything about it.

But, it seemed Bart Simpson did a few robocalls for the Space Church at the end of January.

((Bart Simpson's voice appeared in a phone recording advertising a Scientologist gathering in Hollywood that was clearly voiced by Nancy Cartwright ))

Yep, Nancy (I gave over 10 million to the Space Church) Cartwright made the robocalls with Bart Simpson's voice. Well, of course the Internet ran with it and videos started to appear with the voice mall and pictures of Bart Simpson.

((Of course, the audio found its way to the Internet. 20th Century Fox has been scrambling to pull it off every corner of YouTube ever since Perez Hilton broke the story and Fox made him remove it. You can hear it here before Fox spoils the fun for the rest of us.))

Considering that there are hundreds of Simpsons videos out there, and Fox hasn’t gone after those. They moved quickly to remove the Simpson images from the Scientology videos. Why did they do that?

I see two possible reasons behind this.

1. Is it because they didn’t want anything to do with Cartwright’s voice mail?

2. Or was someone from the church pressuring FOX to pull the videos?

I'm guessing it could be one.

Al Jean, a executive producer for the show, came out with this public statement.

((“The Simpsons does not, and never has, endorsed any religion, philosophy or system of beliefs any more profound than Butterfinger bars,” he said. ))

Well played Al Jean, but why is FOX so mum on the situation? This is the same studio that owns Fox News and makes a fuss about everything, why keep quiet now? (Remember all the press about the Watchmen lawsuit and the stink they made over it? Come on Fox!)

Things that make you go hmm. (I know I'm going to get some 'attention' from certain members over this post, but I don't care.)

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