Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Random Thoughts

Sherri is siting with Guinan.

Random Thoughts

~Sherri Shepherd is annoying: I have to agree with Jeremy Piven on this one. If I saw Sherri and her loud self, I'd roll my eyes too. Remember this is the same woman that doesn't know that the Romans and Greeks came before Jesus. Does she really think the Earth is flat? (I'm not a Piven fan either)

~Children's Guide to Censorship: This is brilliant. I don't agree with everything in here, but it is funny. Make sure to check out some of their other videos.

~If there is one movie I flatly refuse to ever watch, it's Bride Wars and the trailer looks horrible. Then again I'm not the one the movie is aimed toward. You better believe this movie will be a huge hit though. I hate weddings and I hate movies about weddings.

~There is talk of a shop opening up in Vassalboro Maine...a Topless coffee shop. Look, I hate coffee shops and I don't drink coffee. But the first thing I've always said about Coffee Shops is this, “You know what would improve this place? Boobs, bare boobs. Hell, even pictures of boobs.” I'd visit and take a uh, sip.

I'm guessing only two groups will be frequenting this shop, lesbians and straight guys. But they're trying this in Maine? How about Louisville, KY?

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