Saturday, January 24, 2009

“If U Seek Amy” Britney Spears in the news again

Britney Spears Causing Trouble for the Parents Television Council

Sigh, here we go again. Or should I say “Oops, she did it again.”

Another group of self-righteous people want to protect us from the evils of media. The only problem is the subject they’re trying rally against is not worth it. Yet, they protests and saber waving will cause the song to get bigger than it deserves.

Britney Spears’ song is completely terrible, yet this will get curious eyes to watch and listen to the song. Thus, the crusading Parents Television Council falls into the trap of giving out free promotion to this 'forbidding song'.

So what's all this fuss over anyway?

“If U Seek Amy”

Say it out loud and listen to yourself.

Taken from the link above (Rock & Roll Daily)

((The Parents Television Council is livid that Britney Spears‘ cunningly titled “If U Seek Amy” is getting radio play, despite the fact that the title and lyrics essentially say “F-U-C-K Me.” Parents in Australia first complained about the song’s content, and now that the track has become the third single off Circus, American parents are lining up to demand radio stations cease playing the song between the hours of 6 a.m. and 10 p.m. as it “violates the broadcast indecency law.” ))

People should be more offended that a record company thought this song is even worth releasing to the generally public. Britney Spears' voice is modulated and filtered that it sounds like a robot singing.

I believe some of these watchdog groups need to look for more pressing matter than trying to get a damn song banned from radio. I know that attacking an crazy Britney Spears will get you worldwide attention, but even this is a stretch.

Here's Britney's song for all to marvel at.

Yes, this is doing fine on the download charts, thank you, Parents Television Council.


  1. It's all a bit silly really. I was surprised that she released that song as a single as it's pretty badly written. She looks cute in the video, which always helps. Apparently she's renamed the song "If You See Amy" now, but it's not much better. Must be shocking for all those parents having their pre-teens singing that all the boys and girls want to F them, bless.

  2. Yeah, I didnt know she changed the song, that makes it a bit weaker, but you're right the subject matter is still dirty.

    The song is very bland.

    The parents forget all the sexual stuff in "baby hit me one more time"
